I’m finally resuming my meditation programe. I’ve decided that during the work with Ansuz, the Rune-meditation part will last 20 instead of the usual 30 minutes. Its because after that time my concetration fades away and I need a few days to get used to meditating again. Once I start Raido, I’ll meditate for 25 minutes(the Rune-part) and once I reach Kenaz my meditations will take standard 45-60 minutes(with rune-part lasting 30 minutes).

Date: 01. 10. 2014.

Time of waking up: 05:30 AM

Weather: Sunny, warm

Health: Good

Mood: Tired


Stadha ( 05:50 AM )

– Concentration was very good.

Rune Meditation ( PM)

– Technical

Everything was superb except my concentration during the last few minutes during the Rune-part.

– Content

No new insights. Mostly I was thinking about the Rune in the light of sovereingity and how it relates to kings and especially Odhin.

Since I’m preparing for an Odhin invocation next Wednesday, I realized that it would be good to find some chalk and draw 4 Ansuzes on the four sides of the world in the circle. They are to represent Odhin and how he is all around me.

Mudra ( PM )

– Gonna do it later in the evening. If anything of note occurs, I’ll re-edit the post.

Galdr ( PM )

– Same as Mudra.